How to keep motivated this Spring
With the clocks going forward this Sunday and as spring finally commences, it can be difficult to stay isolated and restricted indoors. Use these tips and tricks in order to stay motivated and balanced.
Make use of your safe outdoor space
It is an uncertain time, but the sun is calling our name. With daily advice from the Government we are currently okay to go outside once a day if you feel safe in doing so... make sure you enjoy this time. Getting out of your home can help you feel refreshed and allows you to stretch your legs in a new environment. Even if it’s cleaning your garden, putting out the washing or if you can, or walking up and down the path.
Enjoy a spring-clean
Although the terms 'enjoy' and 'spring-clean' don't usually enter the same sentence, it can be a really therapeutic time to keep busy while feeling productive. Making your home a space you feel healthy and motivated in is really important and can lift stresses or anxieties. Maybe you’ve been meaning to clear out your wardrobe, reorganise your kitchen cupboards or sort through the kid's playroom... all of these activities can make you feel re-energised.
Keep things fresh
Although the time we spend outside is limited, being able to crack open the windows along with listening to your favourite playlist or podcast helps you to stay motivated. Being able to freshen up your home with some spring air is a feeling like no other.
Remain balanced
Your vitamin levels have never felt more of a priority in your lifestyle and dietary choices. Keeping topped up with the right vitamins and nutrient supplements will help you to feel more balanced. Shop our immunity range here.
Stay inspired
Although having constant media broadcasts about the virus can be anxiety-inducing, keeping inspired and motivated will help the days fill up with lots of creativity. Grab a book from your ‘to read’ pile, reintroduce your old hobbies or take some time for an at-home facial with your favourite Proto-col products.
Socialise and connect
It can be easy to feel lonely when avoiding physical contact with others, but that doesn't have to mean zero contact at all. Stay in the loop with digital messaging apps, video calls and even old fashioned letters. Checking in with all your loved ones and colleagues no matter their generation is important. The Proto-col Team loves Whatsapp to help stay connected.
Making sure that your physical and mental wellbeing is taken care of is vital to feeling balanced and motivated. Let us know your top tips and ideas on how to spend the spring.