Common techniques to fight back the flu

As the seasons change, environmental toxic free radicals can enter the body and promote diseases, colds and flu as well as generally feeling under the weather. Foreign bacteria can irritate the immune system and sometimes the body doesn't produce enough white blood cells or antibodies to fight off the attacks.
The Common Flu
While the common seasonal influenza virus can spring up at any time throughout the year, there is a spike during the colder months as the body adjusts to temperature changes. The exact timing and duration of flu seasons can vary, but activity increases during the autumnal months. One theory why flu and cold viruses are more common during cold weather is that the virus can survive in water droplets and therefore can spread more easily.
Ways to fight the flu
You'd think staying indoors would help to prevent the virus, however, germs pass between people and, when we’re trying to stay warm indoors together, germs spread more readily. This also means there’s a higher chance of the cold or flu being shared around. You don’t have to be close to people to catch the virus either, the window and doors being shut will only shut the virus in along with the warmth. After all, it’s in the air.
To reduce the risk of catching the common flu, minimise your exposure to the bacteria that causes it. Regularly cleaning your working and living environments, using anti-bacterial agents and regularly washing your hands can potentially make a big impact on seasonal health.
Eat your greens
By incorporating plenty of greens into your diet and lifestyle, means that your immune system can be boosted. The nutrients that are carried in foods such as spirulina and other iron-rich vegetables can help prevent the body from becoming ill or carrying the flu. Although vending off the virus can take more than just a few fruit and vegetables, it can certainly prevent getting it in the first place.